Christian Brothers Roofing, Your Siding Contractors Of Atlanta Asks, Does Your Siding Need Replacing?

Home improvement lists are known to easily snowball into an exhaustive set of tasks that usually end up on the back burner. If your home improvement priorities take a hit, you may not even notice what needs to be done. For instance, when is the last time you had a Siding replacement? While your home’s Siding replacement may fall in the “forgot about it,” category, it is actually an important feature to keep up with. Aesthetics, energy efficiency, structural protection, and overall value are all determined by your home’s Siding replacement frequency. This is why you need to know what to look for in order to determine if your Siding replacement needs to happen. From the Atlanta area’s expert siding contractors at Christian Brothers Roofing, here are the seven signs you need to look out for.


1. Rotting and Cracks siding contractors Atlanta

Rotted and/or cracked siding is a significant issue that is oftentimes irreparable. Both are clear signs that your siding needs to be replaced so that your home’s safety is not compromised. You can often determine if your home’s siding is rotted by simply poking around and looking for soft spots. And if you see a crack, know that even a small one can lead to much bigger problems if left unaddressed.

2. Fungus, Mold, and Mildew

This is perhaps one of the more unpleasant issues to deal with despite it not always being an alarmist situation. Fungus, mold, and mildew are simply a result of moisture in a given area. If your siding is no longer effective, finding mold or other fungi on your home usually means it is time for a replacement. If untreated, health issues can arise for those living in the home.

3. Fading

Faded siding is usually nothing more than weathering that comes with age. It is by no means an emergency situation but it may mean it is time to start considering getting your siding replaced. Keep in mind as well can be considered an eyesore, especially if you live in an HOA community with covenants you have to adhere to.

4. Bubbling and Peeling Paint

siding contractors Atlanta When water gets trapped in your home’s siding, blisters or bubbles can start to form. This is an indicator of a moisture problem. It also means your home’s siding is no longer effective and could lead to water damage inside the walls and ceilings of your home. It is best to get your bubbling siding replaced in order to fix your moisture problem and prevent further complications.

5. Rising Energy Bills

One of the main jobs of your home’s siding is to keep it insulated. If you have noticed a hike in your energy bills it could be because your siding is not doing its job. This could be due to age or other damages. Either way, you can have a Siding replacement contractor take a look. They can determine if there are other reasons for your increased bills. 

6. Pest Damage

If you struggle to keep woodpeckers, termites, or other pests away from your home, it is likely your Siding replacement has taken a hit. Pests can cause a serious amount of damage to your siding as well as to the inside of your home. When the issue gets out of hand it might be time to consider replacing your home’s siding.

7. Storm Damage

Hail and strong winds can take a toll on your home’s siding. Over time, repeated hail can leave holes and cracks in your siding and wind can cause large pieces of it to tear off. Both compromise the integrity of your siding and can be unsightly. 


Contact Your Siding Contractors of Atlanta, Christian Brothers Roofing

Siding is going to be susceptible to a variety of wear and tear. What is important, is being informed of its potential threats, and knowing who to call when you need Siding replacement. If you are in the Atlanta area, consider the Siding replacement contractors at Christian Brothers Roofing. Our expert team can provide you with the best products, long-lasting results, professional installation, and hospitable customer service. Whether you need residential or commercial siding, we have got you covered.

Give us a call at 770-734-6700 or click here for your free siding estimate.

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